Thursday, May 31, 2012

I am so excited to have created my first teaching blog! I have MANY that I frequent, so I decided to start my own. A little about me...I LOVE first grade and am so blessed to be a part of an awesome team at my school! They are truly amazing teammates and we work together very well. I am an avid reader, have a rising first grader and LOVE the beach! One of my main goals of this blog is to create Common Core material that can be used in first grade. I am starting to create some materials now and hope to post them soon. Please be patient as this as all new to me, so I hope to learn quite a bit about technology as I go along. :)


  1. Welcome to the bloggy world! I warn is very addicting. You should allow followers so I can follow!

    Come by and visit my blog sometime.

    Take care,

    A Year of Many Firsts

  2. Thank you!! Let me figure that out and I will visit your blog, too!!! :)
